What the Budget 2018-19 has for the health sector


Dr KK Aggarwal    02 February 2018

Two new initiatives under Ayushman Bharat program

  • Two new initiatives under ‘Ayushman Bharat’ program

o    National health policy 2017 has envisioned ‘Health and Wellness Centers’ as foundation of India’s health. The creation of 1.5 lakh centers will make health care accessible to the people. These will provide comprehensive health care including NCDs and maternal and health services. And also provide free essential drugs and diagnostic tests. 1200 crore allocated for this flagship project.

o    Flagship ‘National Health Protection Scheme’ launched to cover 10 crore poor and vulnerable families meaning 50 crore beneficiaries by providing Rs 5 lakh per family per year for secondary and tertiary care hospitalization. This will be the world’s largest govt. funded national health program. The govt should also come out with a uniform insurance premium so that those who do not come under this scheme will pay the premium out of their pockets. This also means that health care will now reach villages. Smaller hospitals will open, which is good.

These two new initiatives will build a new India 2022 and ensure or enhance productivity and wellbeing and avert impoverishment and progression towards universal health coverage.

  • Rs 600 crore allocated to provide nutritional support to all TB patients @ Rs 500/month for the duration of their treatment.
  • To increase accessibility of quality medical education, 24 new govt medical colleges and hospitals will be set up by upgrading existing district hospitals in the country. This would ensure at least one medical college for every 3 parliamentary constituencies and at least one govt medical college in each state of the country.
  • All insurance companies have been merged under ‘one insurance company’. This will boost the health insurance sector.
  • To make villages ODF, the govt is launching ‘Galvanising organic bio agro resources dhan – Govardhan’ for the management and conversion of cattle dung and solid waste in farms to compost fertilizer and bio gas and bio CNG.
  • No change in personal income tax slabs in this budge
  • Cess in health and education increased from 3% to 4%.
  • Mediclaim – relief of Rs 50, 000/- for senior citizens

Dr KK Aggarwal

 Padma Shri Awardee Vice President CMAAO Group Editor-in-chief IJCP PublicationsPresident Heart Care Foundation of IndiaImmediate Past National President IMA

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